Fun with Ragdolls Plus: NOT Made with Unity

Fun with Ragdolls Plus is pivoting due to Unity's new pricing. While challenges arise, so do exciting opportunities.

Fun with Ragdolls Plus: NOT Made with Unity

I have some unfortunate news. Unity, the chosen engine for this project as well as "Fun with Ragdolls: The Game", has modified its pricing structure. I selected Unity because it's the engine I grew up with, am deeply familiar with, and have extensive experience using. I know its intricacies inside and out. One of the primary reasons I preferred Unity was its pricing model — a straightforward yearly subscription with no hidden costs.

Unfortunately, Unity's pricing has taken a disheartening turn. While the subscription model remains, an additional FEE PER INSTALL has been introduced. It’s likely this will encompass pirated versions, from which I receive no revenue or control over, and are quite prevalent. I'm also uncertain about Unity's ability to track such installations. Now, every time someone installs the game/runtime, I'm obligated to pay Unity. Furthermore, it looks like starting in 2024, I might have to retroactively pay them for the PREVIOUS game, which is no longer in active development. This change seems questionable since it wasn't what I agreed to years ago.

In light of these changes, I am no longer able to use Unity to further develop Fun with Ragdolls Plus. I will be switching to another engine entirely and will have to start again. This is an incredible strain on production since so much has been developed already and will potentially prolong development a little past scheduled.

Facing these unexpected changes with Unity's pricing, I am presented with a unique opportunity. Although the shift means leaving a familiar environment and starting from scratch, it also allows me to explore new technologies and refine Fun with Ragdolls Plus in ways previously not possible. Every great game has its challenges. Embracing this new direction, I’ll work even harder to ensure the game shines brighter. Your understanding and support mean the world, and we'll turn this challenge into an exciting new chapter for Fun with Ragdolls Plus.

Artwork by Sifter